Nová nabídka kurzu z Harvardovy univerzity: PredictionX: John Snow and the Cholera Epidemic of 1854 (časová náročnost celkem 3 až 5 hodin)
Popis kurzu: "John Snow and the Cholera Outbreak of 1854 offers a preview of a new HarvardX offering called "PredctionX,"which looks at how humans have predicted their own futures throughout recorded time. Here, we explore how a deadly outbreak of cholera in London, and John Snow's investigation of its cause, gave rise to the modern field of epidemiology. It's a fascinating story. Even if you've heard it before, you may find new facts and details here that we've uncovered through expert interviews and map analysis." Kurz můžete absolvovat na platformě EdX. Další kurzy a nově i podcasty najdete v sekci Kurzy a podcasty na tomto webu.
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